Thursday, April 23, 2015

DAY 10

Health and travel are not usually synonymous. Especially not for me. For a few reasons, actually. First, I get frustrated with my packing and inevitably the sneakers and workout gear is the first to get left behind. Then there’s the travel itself. Airports and airplanes filled with junk food, fast food, and disgusting food. And then, when you arrive at your destination you’re tempted with new exciting restaurants, and the last thing in the world you want to do is make time to exercise! 

But today begins my three week trip to visit my family (first stop Chicago to visit my big sister and my new nephew, then off to CT to spend two weeks with my momma!), and I wanted to make sure that my travels weren’t going to compromise my fitness and health goals! Flying before has always been treacherous on my health. Mostly because I’m afraid to eat the bad food around me, but after hours of starving myself, I inevitably give in to something unhealthy on the plane or in the airport. But not today! In order to prepare for my trip, I loaded myself up with healthy foods for the plane - an apple, some almonds, and a prepared Trader Joe’s salad. Though I had anticipated getting up early to eat breakfast, I only had time for my cup of coffee before heading to the airport. I figured I would just eat my salad early, and it wouldn’t be a problem, but then I did some calculations - and if I ate my lunch as I got on the plane, it would be another seven or eight hours before my next meal was prepared for me! So, I did a search for the healthiest option available. Luckily, there was a newly installed Marmalade Cafe in the United Terminal (thanks for being so fancy, LAX!), and I was able to get an egg white scramble with mushrooms, spinach, and a slice of swiss cheese on top. I was surprised, though, when the plate came out with not just the scramble. There was a side of potatoes, and toast and butter. UGH. My greatest nemesis. White carbs. I’m not going to lie, I had about three pieces of potato after my scramble. But I knew that I’d regret going down that path if I had anymore, and I had already filled up on much better foods. So, the processed carbs got trashed. It was a small victory, but I documented it anyway!

Just before boarding my sister let me know that when I arrived in Chicago there would be a healthy dinner waiting for me at her apartment. So I just want to take a minute to express my thanks to my family. Yes, my friends have been extremely encouraging and helpful, but my family has been on another level. Their love and support has helped me from breaking down, and I look forward to being able to visit them without feeling awkward about asking to go to the gym or for healthy food substitutes. My mom told me to think of my trip to her as a spa vacation. Rest, relaxation, and focus on my health. And my sister has told me we’re going to walk the baby all around Chicago (3 mile walks every day!) as well as using her apartment gym. I come up from a family of disordered eating. As I mentioned before, my father reached just over 400 lbs at his highest weight, from an uncontrollable addiction to food and alcohol. My mother once told me she was anorexic for a time in her youth, and at 5’8” was only 120 lbs on her wedding day. My sisters have both experienced stress related anorexia, coping with being out of control by over-controlling with their daily intake. And obviously, I have swung between binging and starving. My sisters have received the help they needed and become extremely healthy individuals, and now it’s my turn. Though they’ve wanted to help me for many many years, I had to come to a point where I wanted to do it myself. And I’m incredibly grateful to them for not losing hope that I one day would come to that conclusion. 

An incredible support system is one of the most important parts of this journey, and I’m so glad I have one. So, bring it on Chicago! Let's do this. 

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