Sunday, May 10, 2015

DAY 27

Over the past two and a half weeks, I've undergone quite the mental (and the beginnings of my physical) transformation, and it's with great sadness that I post this entry from the air headed back to Los Angeles.

Though I'm beyond excited to get back to my boyfriend and my puppy, I'm incredibly sad to be leaving behind my mom. Our weeks together felt far too short. And being the mean daughter that I am, I left her with my terrible cold (I'm so so so sorry again, mom!)

But despite not feeling 100% well, she wanted us to have a special Mother's Day before I departed. And we absolutely did.

Me and mom enjoying the sun on her balcony <3

Not in the mood for getting all dolled up, we took the most casual approach to brunch we could and headed towards a local diner. When we got there, it took me about thirty seconds of looking at the menu to decide what to get. Egg white omelet with turkey-bacon, feta, tomatoes, and spinach. Substitute the carby sides for a bowl of fruit. And a coffee with skim milk. My mom looked at me curiously. "Would it really upset you if I got pancakes?" she asked. I nearly facepalmed. I hadn't even realized that for the past two weeks my mom had been on my healthy eating plan with me! The poor woman wasn't even working out and had probably lost a few pounds. That's how incredible she is. And selfish me hadn't even noticed. I mean, of course we had cooked our meals together, and when going out to restaurants I figured she was just a healthy eater, but inside I knew she could probably be eating differently. I insisted she order the pancakes, joking that would be my gift to her, allowing her to have pancakes in front of me (joke's on her though, since I will always pick eggs over sweet things at brunch!)

But in all seriousness, I appreciate what she did for me so much. Had we gone out to an Italian restaurant and she ordered pasta two weeks ago, I would have been sorely tempted to take more than one taste. Today though, I wasn't jealous. I was glad to see my mom enjoying her pancakes, even as she poured syrup on them and finished the plate. And though I'd never intentionally deprive anyone of eating something tempting, I am insanely grateful she decided to stay on track with me while I was here. It made meal planning so much easier, and I honestly feel like I've regained a certain amount of control when it comes to my unhealthy impulses.

Did I still want to knock the McDonald's fries out of the girl in front of me's hands as we boarded tonight? Absolutely. But there would have been a time where that would have tempted me to leave line and get fries of my very own. Today I didn't. Instead, I just opened up my expertly prepared lunchbox and ate the grilled chicken caesar salad waiting for me.

And though I'm heading back to Los Angeles with some trepidation about the weeks to come, I know I've formed a solid foundation on which to jump start my journey. Tomorrow vacation ends and real life begins. Tomorrow I start putting my sister's monthly meal plans into action, as well as maintaining my exercise and writing schedule on top of that. I have so much to accomplish this year, and it's really just beginning. I'm hopeful that my support system in Los Angeles is just as helpful and encouraging as the one I'm leaving behind in CT (although let's be real, no one will ever match my mom). Stay tuned on this journey...

And again, thank you times a billion to my amazing mother, sisters, and friends who have come forward and given me the guidance and encouragement I need to continue. I can't even begin to express my love and gratitude. East coast lovelies, I will miss you greatly, but...Los Angelinos, get read!. You're in for a ride with a new girl. As always, let's keep doing this.

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