Sunday, May 17, 2015

DAYS 32 & 33

There's a lot to be said for "feeling pretty." It's something that can make or break your day, and I've fallen victim to ruining my plans because I don't feel that way.

So, when my friend Alissa suggested we go to an event she was invited to last night and pre-game with Dry Bar blow outs to "feel pretty," I was game. After getting in five work outs and sticking to my meal plan this week, I was excited to go out for the first time in a very long time. She forwarded me the invitation, and I cringed. "Attire: Cocktail/club." What the hell did that mean? I scoured my closet, desperately searching for anything that would be appropriate. Anything I thought that could be remotely appropriate ended up on a pile on my bed, and I was not surprised to see that everything in there was black.

A black knit shift, a flowy (well, it had been flowy the last time I put it on) black tunic, a summery cotton black dress, and a black dress with pleather side panels that I'd gotten for my birthday a year and a half ago when I'd put on my first 50. I knew that dress sounded the most appropriate, but I wasn't sure if it was going to fit. I'd last worn it to a friend's birthday last summer, in the middle of my second 50 lb gain. I knew I'd only lost 10 lbs, but I thought...maybe it would fit? If it fit me at 225, why not at 250? I packed all the options in my bag and hoped for the best, but resolved not to think about it during my hair appointment. After all, I was about to get pretty!

I tuned out the world for an hour and luxuriated in the modern but elegant atmosphere of the Dry Bar. Only pausing to snap this pic.

When it was done, I felt like a model. True to Alissa's word, I "felt pretty." But I quickly realized that it was approaching dinner time, and I'd forgotten to bring anything with me! Luckily, Alissa is one of my most amazing supporters, and she was happy to make a quick grocery run to pick up a healthy dinner for us. We decided on splitting a rotisserie chicken and steaming a side of broccoli (my favorite vegetable). Quick and delicious (even having only breast meat with skin removed I was a very happy camper!). 

What I realized shortly after consuming my dinner is that I had eaten a little too fast and felt a little bloated. And now I had to figure out what to wear to this event! I showed Alissa all the options, and she agreed with my initial instinct - the dress with the leather panels was the winner. But after zipping it up, I wanted to cry. The dress fit - as in, it zipped up with little effort. But because of the stretchy fabric, I felt like I was being squeezed into a sausage casing. I could see every roll of my stomach, and I felt a hot rush off panic sweep over me. "I can't wear this!" I squeaked. Alissa assured me it looked fine, but I couldn't stop looking at my sides in the mirror. I took of the dress as quickly as I could, and felt relieved when I could breathe again. I knew had I spent one more second looking in the mirror at me in that dress, I would have gone into a bad head space and asked if we could stay home and wallow instead. 

Luckily, I knew without a doubt that my black knit dress fit me, and put it on instead. It wasn't quite as fancy looking as the previous one, but I felt like I could breathe in it, and that was the only important thing to me. I compensated for the less fancy dress with fancier makeup, and within minutes, I felt ready to take on the town. 

"The town" as it was, turned out to be a graduation party for former The Hills star Spencer Pratt, hosted by his wife, Heidi (who I later learned had invited Alissa personally, and was maybe the sweetest person I've ever met). It was pretty surreal, as the party was fairly intimate, and I only partially felt like I was intruding. Though, Heidi and Spencer were thrilled to hear about me being a USC alum, and I weirdly teared up when the USC marching band made a guest appearance and played the fight song halfway through the night. Feeling good, I enjoyed a glass of white wine as we mingled. And didn't feel tempted at all by the large food spread at the side of the room, or by the waiters who were offering appetizers through the evening. 

By the time we got home, I'd forgotten all about the problems getting dressed I'd had, and really just enjoyed being with my friend. And because we're adorable, we documented it. 

This morning I woke up, excited to weigh myself. Saturday weigh day! I couldn't wait to step on and finally see that 10 lb goal accomplished. To my shock and horror, though, when I stepped on the scale, it read 253. That couldn't be right. I stepped off and stepped back on. The screen flashed 253 again. I nearly broke down. How could I have GAINED weight since last week? I'd worked out more than ever, followed my new meal plan to a T! I'd had a 1000 calorie deficit a day, meaning I should have LOST 2 lbs, not gained them.

I sat in confusion and horror, and lay down in bed, losing motivation and wallowing for about an hour before I realized I was being an idiot. I needed to accept a few things. First, t was a different scale than I'd been weighting myself on. Not only that but I was about two days away from getting my period again. It was extremely likely that my body was holding onto water weight, and that's where those extra pounds were coming from. Also, after a week of weight training, it was extremely possible that I'd gained two pounds of muscle. 

Am I still upset about the number I saw? Yes. I'm not going to lie. I'm disappointed that I didn't see the weight I wanted to on that scale. Especially after working so hard this week. But it wasn't enough to ruin my day. 

Mostly, because one of my best high school friends was coming up to LA to visit and go to an outdoor screening of Pitch Perfect with me. Usually for an outdoor screening, I'd pack a picnic of meats and cheeses and crackers and wine, or rely on the food trucks at the location, but tonight I knew I needed to plan and eat better. So, I made a quick trip to the grocery and stocked up on low sodium turkey, cucumber slices, light string cheese, almonds, and grapes. My snack smorgasbord was a winner, and I didn't feel guilty eating a larger portion of the foods I'd brought with me. 

Though I'm still feeling insecure about my weight, I'm conscious of the positive path that I'm on. It's a healthy one, and it's a happy one. And I need to reconcile the fact that the number on the scale is going to move slowly, and it might move up and down. And while two pounds feels like the end of the world right now. Eventually, when my weight fluctuates according to water retention it will be like nothing. In fact, I'm hoping that when I get to my goal weight, I won't feel the need to weigh myself at all. That I'll be so in tune with my body that the number on the scale will lack any sort of importance.

The truth, though, is that I'm not there yet. It upsets me to not see the number lowering the way I want it or expect it to. And it sucks that even though I know I'm doing all the right things, the scale is going to fluctuate depending on what time of month I'm dealing with. That said, I'm learning how to talk to myself down and stay focused, as opposed to throwing in the towel and giving up. Because no matter what the scale says, I know I'm on track. 

Today I read a quote (that I believe Bill Gates said?). "Most people overestimate what they can do in a day. And underestimate what they can do in a lifetime." And it's true. The scale isn't magically going to jump down tomorrow. But the longer I stay focused, the more it's going to accumulate and add up to the loss I want. Either way, I know I'm not deterred. And I'm going to keep on doing this. 

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